How to use Citrus Juicer? Step by step guide

Using a citrus juicer is relatively simple, and it’s a great way to extract fresh juice from citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use a basic manual citrus juicer:

Materials You’ll Need:

  • A citrus juicer (manual or electric)
  • Fresh citrus fruits
  • A cutting board
  • A knife
  • A glass or container to collect the juice
  • A spoon (optional, for scraping out remaining pulp)

Step 1: Prepare Your Citrus Fruit

  1. Start by choosing ripe and fresh citrus fruits. Roll the fruit on a countertop while applying gentle pressure to loosen the juice inside.
  2. Cut the citrus fruit in half crosswise. You can use a knife to do this. If your citrus juicer has different-sized cones, choose the one that fits your fruit best.

Step 2: Set Up Your Citrus Juicer

  1. If you’re using a manual citrus juicer, place it on a stable surface. Ensure that the spout or nozzle aligns with your collection container.
  2. If you’re using an electric citrus juicer, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for assembly and placement.

Step 3: Juice the Citrus Fruit

  1. Hold one half of the citrus fruit over the juicer cone with the cut side facing down.
  2. Press down firmly on the fruit and rotate it slightly to maximize juice extraction. For a manual juicer, use the lever or handle to apply pressure.
  3. Continue pressing and rotating the fruit until you’ve extracted as much juice as possible. The juice will flow through the holes in the juicer and into your collection container.

Step 4: Repeat the Process

If you have more citrus fruits to juice, repeat the process for each one. Empty the collection container as needed.

Step 5: Optional – Extract Remaining Juice

To extract any remaining juice, you can use a spoon to scrape the inside of the juiced fruit. This can help you get the most juice out of your citrus.

Step 6: Serve or Store the Juice

Pour the freshly squeezed citrus juice into a glass and serve it immediately. You can also use it as an ingredient in recipes or store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator for later use.

Step 7: Clean Your Citrus Juicer

After you’ve finished juicing, disassemble your juicer if necessary and clean it thoroughly according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Most manual juicers are easy to clean, while electric juicers may have removable parts that require cleaning.

That’s it! Using a citrus juicer is a straightforward process, and it allows you to enjoy the natural flavors of fresh citrus juice without any added preservatives or additives.

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