Hamilton Beach Juicer Machine (67601A)

The Hamilton Beach Juicer Machine (67601A) is a popular and affordable centrifugal juicer designed to make juicing fruits and vegetables quick and easy. Below is a review of its key features and performance:


  1. Affordable: One of the standout features of the Hamilton Beach 67601A juicer is its budget-friendly price. It offers good value for those looking to get started with juicing without investing in a high-end machine.
  2. Simple Operation: This juicer is straightforward to use, making it ideal for beginners. It has a single-speed operation, so you don’t have to worry about adjusting settings.
  3. Decent Juice Extraction: The 67601A is capable of extracting a reasonable amount of juice from a variety of fruits and vegetables, including hard produce like carrots and apples.
  4. Large Feed Chute: It features a wide, 3-inch feed chute that can accommodate many whole fruits and vegetables, reducing the need for extensive prep work.
  5. Easy to Clean: The removable parts of the juicer are dishwasher-safe, which simplifies the cleaning process. It comes with a cleaning brush for manual cleaning of hard-to-reach areas.
  6. Compact Design: The compact footprint of this juicer means it won’t take up too much counter space in your kitchen, making it suitable for small kitchens.


  1. Noise Level: Like most centrifugal juicers, the Hamilton Beach 67601A can be quite loud during operation. If noise is a concern for you, consider a masticating juicer, which tends to be quieter.
  2. Pulp Management: Some users find that this juicer leaves wetter pulp, indicating that it may not extract juice as efficiently as more expensive models. You may need to re-juice the pulp to get the most out of your produce.
  3. Foaming: Due to its high-speed centrifugal design, this juicer tends to produce juice with some foam on top. While this is common for centrifugal juicers, some people prefer the foam-free juice produced by masticating juicers.
  4. Durability: The Hamilton Beach 67601A is made primarily of plastic components, which may not be as durable as stainless steel juicers. Some users have reported issues with parts breaking over time.

Final thought

The Hamilton Beach Juicer Machine (67601A) is an affordable and user-friendly option for those interested in juicing on a budget. While it may not provide the same level of juice extraction efficiency and durability as higher-end juicers, it can still produce decent-quality juice and is easy to operate and clean. If you’re new to juicing or looking for a budget-friendly option, this juicer is worth considering. However, if you’re a serious juicer or plan to use it frequently, you may want to invest in a more robust and efficient machine.

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